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This short animated piece captures the very spirit of film making...it is all real in the end. A young boy, after watching a serial about adventures to Mars decides he wants to go to Mars. The boy's grandfather, equipped with a special '56 Ford F-100 tow truck takes the boy to Mars. The boy returns to his home knowing he had been to Mars. Others doubt his story. Story telling is meant to inspirational (I don't mean the pallid goody-two-shoes sort of inspiration, rather inspiration -synonymous with moving, or activating). At its heart Viaje a Marte confirms that while the cold hard facts of our lives may be debatable, the ability to find a spirit to our dreams is what makes a life. Being animation this "story" is told through the narrative of the film, but as well through the brilliantly characterized faces (including the "face" of the F-100). See it if you can.


穿上了宇航服想逃出去却出不去,死在了宇航服里,被宇航服勒死的。 电影中内勒的死有2处铺垫: 1、有一个画面是监控上面的火星模拟室隐隐约约看得到一个尸体,那就是内勒。 2、最后那个男主角那找第二个宇航服的时候,上面那个挂着的宇航服就是内勒穿着的,但是已经死了。 d000baa1cd11728bc08988f0c6fcc3cec2fd2cbf 扩展资料: 《前往火星》电影简介: 2012年4月26号,六位候选人来到了大西洋,进入了“冰五号”,他们即将在接下来的日子里,一起共度471天的时光。 这里没有阳光,没有新鲜空气,更不能和外界直接接触,他们被密封到了一个与世隔绝的地方,只为了完成一项模拟在陌生星球生存状况的任务。但这场任务却是注定要失败的,因为这项实验的结果是:进入到“冰五号”的六个人,全部死于非命,无一生还……


**挥笔李21** 2018-05-22

SleepyPinoDD 2019-01-05

rESTARSD外星** 2021-11-03

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