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戈登·拉姆齐终极烹饪教程 第一季剧情介绍

戈登·拉姆齐已在专业后厨工作超过25年,他师从许多世界名厨,也教出了不少得意门生。现在终于出了这套《终极烹饪教程》,教大家轻松烹饪美食。 本系列第一季共20集,每集都介绍不同的烹饪方法,各有不同,但都必不可少。从香料使用到烘焙窍门,从烤制美食到文火慢炖,从简易快餐到饕餮盛宴,他毫不藏私,倾囊相授。更有众多省时省力省钱的秘诀与小贴士。终极烹饪教程,你值得拥有。 The show's concept is to demonstrate skills to the viewer to improve their skills as home cooks.The meals demonstrated by chef Gordon R amsay are meant to represent a hundred core recipes. The first series of 20 episodes airs at 5 pm on Channel 4 in the UK. Along with Hugh's 3 Good Things, and Jamie’s 15 Minute Meals, Gordon Ramsay's Ultimate Cookery Course was one of three new daytime cookery shows announced by the channel. An interview with a relevant food expert is an element of each show. For the chilli-centric episode, Joanna Plumb from Cherwood Nurseries in Chawston appeared to explain about chillis.[5] Ramsay has released a cookbook to coincide with the series, published by Hodder & Stoughton in the UK.


人人影视做的字幕 他们只做到第五集 应该是看的人不多吧,加上其他剧集也需要人手翻译,所以就放着没做字幕了。我也很喜欢这节目,后面的我也看了,简单的英文听得懂,食材的名称不是特别了解 顺便也练练听力。

戈登·拉姆齐终极烹饪教程 第一季评论

**挥笔李21** 2018-05-22

SleepyPinoDD 2019-01-05

rESTARSD外星** 2021-11-03

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